The Kew Bulletin Of Miscellaneous Information. (wyman And...
others. 4e.) —This volume will meet with its customary welcome from many readers to whom the byways of horticulture, so . to speak, are full of interest. Utility is not......
The Story Of The "cheerybls" Grants. By The Rev. W.
Hume Elliot. (Sherratt and Hughes. 4s. net.)—William and Daniel Grant, natives of Strathspey, came to Lancashire in 1783. Bury and Rams- bottom were the scenes of their......
Sir Roper Lethbridge, Who Is An Active Financial...
India and Imperial Preference (Longmans and Co., 2s. 6d. net), supporting the policy indicated by the title. His object is, to quote his preface, to "advocate the only......
Isaiah According To The Septuagint. Translated And Edited...
R. Ottley, M.A. Vol. II, Text and Notes. (Cambridge University Press. 6s. net.)—The text of the Codex Alexandrinua has been used for this edition. Mr. Ottley gives a general......
A History Of The Inquisition In Spain. By Henry Charles
Lea, LL.D. Vol. III. (Macmillan and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—There can be no doubt as to Dr. Lea's views, but he does not write as a partisan. He does not forget that he is writing of......
Hunting And Shooting In Ceylon. By Harry Storey. (long- Mans
and Co. 15s. net.)—It seems almost incredible that Ceylon, a country not so large as Ireland, should have supported such an enormous head of game as it did fifty years ago. Even......
Expositions Of Holy Scripture Acts 17. (hodder And
Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)—This is the sixth and concluding volume of the second series. The Expositions have taken their place so definitely in the first rank of homiletic......
The Complete Fisherman. By Walter M. Gallichan. (t....
25. 6d.)—This is a serviceable volume. Mr. Gellichan is not one of the haughty sportsmen who treat bottom- fishing, which, after all, must be the sport of nine anglers out of......
The Brasses Of England By Herbert W. Macklin, Ma. (methuen
and Co. is. 6d. net.)—In this volume, one of the series of "The Antiquary's Books," the chronological as opposed to the class division has been adopted, with the advantage of......