In The House Of Commons On Wednesday Mr. Hogan Moved
a Resolution condemning the retention of the Crimes Act in Ireland. Both the Attorney-General for Ireland and Mr. Birrell spoke on behalf of the Government, but we need only......
The Result Of The By-election In North Tyrone, Caused By
the elevation of Serjeant Dodd (Liberal) to the Bench, was declared on Saturday last, the figures being Mr. Redmond Barry, K.C., Solicitor-General for Ireland (L.), 3,013; Mr.......
On Thursday The Election To The Chancellorship Of Oxford...
took pima at Oxford, and Lord Curzon was returned by a majority of 661. The figures were 1,101 for Lord Curzon and 440 for Lord' Rosebery. Although the return of Lord Curzon WM......
Mr, H. Marks, The Member For Thanet, Made A Personal
explanation in the House on Tuesday. He recalled the fad that last autumn, on certain charges against him being brought to the notice of the Speaker, he had pledged himself to......
On Thursday In The House Of Commons The Vote For
the personnel of the Navy was discussed. The Opposition criticised the reduction of strength by a thousand men, while from some Radicals there was a demand for much larger......
The Memorandum Goes On To State That Permanent Repre-...
of the Colonial Governments in Loudon, by High Commissioners or other specially appointed delegates, appears essential to secure the continuity at present lacking. There is also......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Jan. 17th. Consols (21) were on Friday 841—on Friday week 86.......