' The Washington correspondent of the Times said in Thurs-
day's paper that refugees from Mexico are anxious about the Panuco and Touila oilfields at Tampico. They fear that the wells for want of attention may soon begin to pour oil into the Panuco River and that there may be a disastrous fire. One eyewitness, however, says that the Constitutionalists seem to be doing their best to preserve the oilfields in order to draw the tax from them when they are in full possession of Tampico. The main oilfields lie considerably to the south of Tampico, near Tuxpam, and these apparently are not yet damaged. The Panuco oilfields to the west of Tampico are less important, as the quality of oil is inferior. The oil from the wells near Tuxpam flows through two sets of pipes to both Tampico and Tuxpam. We suppose the oil could, therefore, all be diverted to Tuxpam in the event of the destruction of the tank-farms at Tampico.