16 MAY 1914, page 17

The Alleged Atrocities By Epirot Insurgents.

[To TH. EDITOR or THII •• SreCTaTOR"] Sin,—I have received the instructions of my Government to offer the most unqualified contradiction to the news which appeared in your......

[to Ter Editor Or The • 'sreeraroa."] Sir, — With Your...

last week, Mr. L. E. Steele, I always thought the roof of Westminster Hall was Irish oak, and cherished the tradition that no spiders would snake webs on it! This, surely, could......

The Churchmen's Union.

[To TEM EDITOR Or Tea ••Sermaor.".1 SIR,—I cannot exaggerate the pleasure and satisfaction I felt at reading in your issue of May 2nd the notice you gave of the petition of the......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Arlic:es Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a v reodonytn, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......

Advertising Health Resorts.

[7'o roc EDITOR or THE •' Betenroa.'9 SIR,.--Will you kindly allow me to reply to Mr. Kilburn (Spectator, May 9th) ? surely be and the residents to whom he refers do not desire......


SONG OF THE HAPPY RHYMESTER, I AM the happiest of men : I live (just barely) by my pen. I rise at sev'n, and on till one Fulfil the tale of labour done. And then from afternoon......

[to Tim Editor Of Th. "spectator •• ] Sir,—in Sir...

Foundation of the Hospital and Free School of King Charles n, the oak in the roof of "the great hall of William Rufus" is given a different origin. The author, referring to the......

The Oak And Westminster Hall.

[To THE Lone. or Tax n'Srecraros.."1 SIB, — It is meet and right that the law-makers of England, from whence arms are stretched across the seas to the ends of the earth, should......

The Geography Of The Nightingale. (to /la Eons. Of Th•

•• SPECTATOR " l SIR,—I have just read your interesting article in your issue of the 2nd inst. I must, however, take exception to the statement that the nightingale is not to be......