The Fortunate Youth. By William J. Locke. (john Lane....
fortunate youth improves with advancing years. It is just possible to believe in the existence of Paul Savelli, actor, and a charming fellow into the bargain, and in his life as......
THE WORLD SET FREE.* Mg. WELLS'S new story of the emancipation of humanity is. marked by many of the merits and all the limitations which characterize his periodic excursions......
Some Books 01? The Week.
Nader this heading as retie. such Boas el th e treelt .a lays wol kA re...rya for mica in other forms.] The Campaign Guide. (National Unionist Association. 5s. net.)—This......
Full Swing. By Frank Denby. (cassell And Co. 6s.)— The
extremely cheerful name of this novel is entirely belied by its contents. The whole story is occupied with the series of mistakes made by Agatha Wanstead, afterwards Lady......
Read.a.ble Novals.—trader Carson, By John Barnett. (ward,...
6s.)—A story of adventure in which each chapter is what is called in serial magazines "complete in itself "; and although the episodes are somewhat unequal, many of them are......