16 MAY 1914, page 15
Mr. Arthur Ponsonby And The Naval And Military Services.
[To TEN Minos or TH1 ..Srscrarox."] SIR,—I see in your last issue that you have " Common- Sense " on your side in condemning as •' monumentally inept" a passage from an article......
The Boy Scouts: A Good Investment For Everyone.
[To THE EDITOH or THE " SFECTATOH.".1 SiE,—Thirty millions are spent by our nation every year on training the rising generation in reading, writing, and arithmetic, plus a......
The Boys' Country Work Society.
[To nis EDITOR or ass .. Brecr,tro..1 SIR, — The Spectator is always ready to support any sane scheme for doing good, whether in town or country; nor are its readers backward in......