On Tuesday in the Commons Mr. Asquith made an important
statement of his intentions. He moved to dispense with the Committee stages of the Home Rule, Welsh Church, and Plural Voting Bills. He abandoned all notion of amend- ing the Home Rule Bill by suggestions under the Parliament Act Amendment most heachieved by a'separate Bill. The Government in this matter would go " one more step forward than they have ever gone before." They would ask the House to pass the Home Rule Bill before Whitsuntide, but they would "make themselves responsible" for introducing an amending Bill which would be capable of being altered by the House. Mr. Boner Law pointed out the impotence of Parliament under the Parliament Act. He saw leas hope of a settlement of the Irish question now than six months ego. Unionists refused all responsibility for Home Rule, but rather than have bloodshed they would help the Government to pass such an amending Bill as would prevent civil war.