[To vas Eurroa or THE " SPECTATOR."1 Els,—The endless innuendos and insinuations of the Spectator against Jewish patriotism might perhaps more wisely he he is a Jew first and, a long way after, an Englishman? I utterly repudiate the statement, and so would every English Jew. Our Judaism and our English patriotism form a unity. As well ask you whether you are first a Christian and then an Englishman. Thousands of Jews have died for England in the war. To-day I, as President of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, unveiled a memorial to those members of our congregation (all volunteers) who gave their lives for England's cause. Were they Jews first and Englishmen a long way after? Oh the cruelty of such an accusation! Will you repeat it to the thousands of English Jews and Jewesses who proudly mourn their dead? And you, Sir, like myself a pupil of Jowett! How he would have grieved over your words! The policy of the Secretary of State for India may be, for aught I can judge or know, as foolish and mischievous as you conceive it to be. But the fervour and passion of Isis English patriotism is as unquestionable as your own. Hit him as hard as you please. but hit him fairly and squarely, above the belt.—I am, Sir,