The Anti-british Campaign In America Which Uses The Irish...
as its weapon still flourishes. Probably if the move- ment were traced to its source it would be found that Irish. Americansby direct action or indirect instigation were......
It Is At Last Announced From Dublin Castle That If
the attacks on the mails continue—with the evident connivance of the Nationalist population—the postal services will be curtailed or stopped in the districts which are affected.......
Sir Hamar Greenwood, The Chief Secretary For Ireland,...
clear, in a speech at Belfast on Wednesday, that the Govern- ment would proceed with the Home Rule Bill, which will be the first business before the House when it meets next......
Turning To Another Argument Used By Mr. Asquith, Lord Grey
dissents from the idea that the management of Ireland by Great Britain is any longer a trust. "The trust," says Lord Grey, "is a failure." He therefore wants it to be under-......
The Sinn Feiners Continue Their Attacks On The Troops In
Ireland, as well as on the police. On Thursday week six police- men going to the post office at Fealde, County Clare, were fired at by men concealed in the building, and two of......
The Following Is An Extract From The Proclamation :—
"The first and great commandment is, that all you disloyal rebellious people shall not circulate one dollar of capital in al this land. Not a dollar, no debt or bill of exchange......
The Westminster Casette Of Friday Week Published A Reply By
Lord Grey of Fallodon to criticisms of his Irish scheme. Lord Grey says that it is not pleasant to differ from Mr. Asquith, but that their private friendship will not be......
Sir Hamar Greenwood Went On To Say That The Real
bar to peace in Ireland was the campaign of murder and intimidation organized by the Sinn Feinens. No Government could tolerate that, and the Government were determined to put......
The Foreign Office Published In Monday's Papers Two...
which Lord Curzon had addressed to the Bolsheviks and their evasive reply. It is to Sc observed that the Bolshevik organ in London had published Lord Curzon's first note and the......