The following is an extract from the Proclamation :—
"The first and great commandment is, that all you disloyal rebellious people shall not circulate one dollar of capital in al this land. Not a dollar, no debt or bill of exchange can be psis or made without my signature, and I pledge you I will noi approve any money transactions of a disloyal man. All hi capital, all his money, every cent, of it, shall be placed at the disposal of the Government. I will teach you that, having en couraged this rebellion, having comforted:I and aided your country': enemies, you must--ay, shall—reap a traitor's reward. Tall about your rights I Why, you. have no rights to talk about A loyal citizen is the only one left with rights at this time. Anc yet you come to me asking for a banking privilege. Great God the devil might as well ask the Almighty for a front seat is Heaven. No; if in your prosperity you have despised thie great and. good Government, you may soon have the privilegt to love it in your adversity. Not only this, but yell ought— ay, you must fight for this Government. The second com. mandment is, that all you notorious rebels get out of your houses and leave my district, so that Union men and women may come here to help me to redeem this country. What do I care about your tobacco interest, the market value of your niggers or cotton I shall shoat every guerilla taken in my district ; rend if your Southern brethren retaliate by shooting a Federal soldier, I will walk out five of your rich bankers, brokers, and cotton erica, and make you kneel down and shoot them. I will do it, so help use God 1"