Poems Worthy Of Consideration.—deekkrium. By Norman...
Cambridge. 6s.)—Unequal, but shows knowledge and appreciation of Cornish scenery.— Poem and Verses. By Robert Lutyens. (Baltic Review Offices, Chelsea.)--Good, but derivative.......
Readable Noveth.—the Feast Of Lanterns. By Louise Jordan...
and Stoughton. 8. 6d. net.)—A Chinese story of which the beginning — where the scene is China —is much more interesting than when the characters are translated to England. There......
Diamonds. By F. E. Penny. (hodder And Stoughton. 7s. 6d.
net.)—Mrs. Penny in her new book gives a most interesting account of India in the late seventeenth century. The scene is laid in Fort St. George—the governor, Elihu Yale, being,......
Co-operation In Soviet Russia. By Z. Stencel.lensky....
pamphlet, issued on behalf of the Joint Conimittee of Russian Co-operative Organiza- tions in London, gives a full account of the way in which the Bolsheviks have treated the......
The Journal Of The Society Of Comparative Legislation For...
(1 Elm Court, Temple 68.) has an important article by Mr. Jethro Brown on "Industrial Courts in Australia. " Mr. Brown, who is the President of the Arbitration Court in South......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not neeessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Modern Churchman in its current number (Oxford : Blackwell, 3a. net) gives a full report of the......
F Ic On.
THE TRAGIC. BRIDE.* Ma. Banxr-Youxers new novel is a more ambitious work than was his Crescent Moon, The Crescent 310018.3988 what Stevenson called a "machine," a type of......
Poets And Poetry.
NEIGHBOURS.* MR. GresoN's readers may possibly be puzzled for a moment by some of the titles at the beginning of his new book of poems, "Philip and Phoebe Ware," "Robert and......