READABLE NovEth.—The Feast of Lanterns. By Louise Jordan Miln. (Hodder
and Stoughton. 8. 6d. net.)—A Chinese story of which the beginning—where the scene is China —is much more interesting than when the characters are translated to England. There is a remarkable description of a great Chinese lady and the way in which she conducts her family and estates. The central figure will remind the reader of the beautiful portrait exhibited in the British Museum [leveret years ago representing a high-born Chinese lady.—Leace Is Doris. By Ethel Hueston. (Methuen. 8s. 6d. net.)—The story of an American manse, in which a widower clergyman is entirely ruled by his family of daughters.—The Girl in Fancy Dress. By J. E. Drams°. (Hodder and Stoughton. 8s. 6d. net.)—An account of a practical joke which has a great many entertaining consequences.