An Important Conference Summoned By The Air Ministry Was...
on Tuesday in London, with Lord Montagu of Beaulieu as chairman. Sir Frederick Sykes, in discussing the development of commercial air services, declared that they must receive......
The Miners Were Asked On Monday And Tuesday To Vote
for Or against the coal-owners' offer of higher wages increasing in Proportion to the total output above 240,000,000 tons a year. Sraillie advised them to accept the offer as a......
We Note With Great Interest That Lord And Lady Lee,
not content with their gift of Chequers Court to the nation as a country house for the Primo Minister, "subject to their joint and several life interests," have determined to......
The Coalition Unionist Candidate, Mr. F. Wise, Won The...
by-election with great ease, polling 2,520 votes more than his Labour and Independent Liberal opponents combined. The figures were : Mr. Wise, 15,612; Mr. King, Labour, i,577 ;......
It Is Essential That We Should Not Have Our Choice
of Prime Ministers limited to men of wealth. It is also essential that the Prime Minister should have a dignified, butt not too large, country house in which he can get rest and......
Lord Curzon, Addressing The Central Asian Society On...
said that the Government's policy in the Middle East was not to absorb territory but to give security, "to make peaceful spaces in the chaos, landing places in the storm." He......
Princess Clementine Unveiled On Tuesday A Graceful...
been erected on the Embankment near Charing Cross by the Belgians who found refuge in England during the war. IL Delacroix, the Belgian Premier, expressed the gratitude of his......
The Prince Of Wales Returned To London On Monday From
his long and most successful voyage. He drove from Victoria by a circuitous route to Buckingham Palace, and was everywhere received with a mixture of enthusiasm and informal......
When The Delegates Met On Thursday Morning, They Were...
that, while 181,428 miners had voted for the accept- ance of the coal-owners' offer, 635,098 miners had voted against it. The executive of the Miners' Federation recommended......
The Poles, The Russian Bolsheviks, And The Ukraine " Red
" administration signed an armistice and a preliminary peace treaty at Riga on Tuesday evening. The main feature of the treaty is the definition of the Polish eastern frontier,......
The Foreign Office Published In Monday's Papers Two...
which Lord Curzon had addressed to the Bolsheviks and their evasive reply. It is to Sc observed that the Bolshevik organ in London had published Lord Curzon's first note and the......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Apr. 15, 1920; 5 per cont. War Loan was on Thursday, 841; Thursday week, 84i ; a year ago, 95.......