We note with great interest that Lord and Lady Lee,
not content with their gift of Chequers Court to the nation as a country house for the Primo Minister, "subject to their joint and several life interests," have determined to forgo such life interests and to hand over Chequers at once, together with its generous and ample endowment, as the Prime Minister's official country house. Anyone who knows Chequers and realizes the care and devotion bestowed upon it by the two donors and their natural love for and pride in it will understand what the immediate gift means. We are glad to see that on Wednesday the Trustees accepted the gif t in the spirit in which it was made-- a gift heightened in graciousness by the fact that Lady Lee, though ours by marriage, belongs to the other half of the English- speaking race by birth. We can only hope that some generous couple will soon do as much for the tenant of the White House as Lord and Lady Lee have done for the tenant of 10 Dawning Street.