The Sinn Feiners continue their attacks on the troops in
Ireland, as well as on the police. On Thursday week six police- men going to the post office at Fealde, County Clare, were fired at by men concealed in the building, and two of them were shot dead. On Friday week an army lorry carrying stores was bombed in a Cork street. One soldier was killed: throe were dangerously wounded. One of the assailants was wounded but escaped. On Sunday a military car going to Bandon was attacked on the high road. An officer was killed, and another officer has died from his wounds. On Monday an Army lorry was attacked near ICanturk by a large gang who had a machine-gun and threw bombs. One soldier was shot dead and three were wounded. On Tuesday, near Roscommon, a party of police in a motor lorry was beset ; three policemen were killed and two wounded. The same day in Dublin two army officers and a party of men went to search the house of Mr. Carolan, a teacher in a Roman Catholic training college. They were fired on and shot dead by two inmates of the house. Mr. Carolan himself was wounded by a stray bullet. Such is the record of a single week.