(To THE Erases or no " Sens-mm."1 Sim—The statement in your article last week entitled " Bureaucracy and Salaries" that "Every time that the Ministry of Labour announces an increase of five points in the Index Figure (of the cost of living), 1-26th is added to the salary of every one of our public servants" is incorrect. One twenty-sixth of the war bonus only is so added, representing in the ease of responsible officials but a small part of the increased cost of living if the Index Figure be even moderately accurate. The suggestion that such responsible officials might be tempted by such addition to connive at the falsification of the Index Figure will no doubt be noticed in the proper quarter, but, having regard to the past record of the Service. I must as an old reader of your paper express my pained surprise that such an imputation should so lightly be made by you.—I am,