16 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 1

The Spanish intelligence consists of a variety of details, fre-

quently contradictory, of the marches and countermarches of the opposing forces. ESPARTERO had left Madrid and joined ORAA, with the intention, as usual, of doing something decisive; but there is a strong suspicion that he is bought by Don CARLOS, and will give him little trouble. In various parts of the country—in La Mancha, Navarre, Arragon, Catalonia, Castile—the contest was carried on between the factions; but nothing decisive had been performed by either anywhere. Madrid was tranquil ; but the Cortes had given several tokens of hostility to the new Ministry; and, by the election of General SEOANE for their President, had mortally offended the army, so that military violence is appre- hended on the return of the troops to Madrid. There were ru- mours of plots to deprive the Queen Regent of her authority; in which, it was said, many members of the Cortes were implicated. MENDIZABAL was doing duty as a private in the National Grena- diers.