The British Parliament Are Accused Of Oppressive...
" Since the end of the last session, several local acts have expired ; and I would Canadas. The resolutions, which are preceded by a long state- suggest for your consideration......
Or Court.
Tee company at Windsor, invited to meet the King and Queen of the Belgians, is very small, and consists almost exclusively of Whig Lords and Ladies. Lord Melbourne, Lord......
A Fire Broke Out About Four O'clock On Thursday Morning,
in an old wooden house and shop, No. 48, Strand, nearly opposite Agar Street. The frent part of the premises was occupied by Mr. Henry Harris, as an India-rubber and shell shop.......
Ebe Metropolis.
The revision of the City of London electoral lists commenced yesterday ; but little progress was made. As regards the Liverymen, the claims of the Reformers arc GU, objections......
We Have Been Favoured With The Perusal Of Letters From
Val- paraiso, of the latest date (the 10th June) received io this country. They state that, on the 3d of June, a body of the troops stationed at Quillata, and forming part of an......
At The Mansionhouse, On Wednesday, A French Gentleman, M....
Alleaume, accompanied by "a lady of rank," whose name it not given, complained to the Lord Mayor of ill treatment by the police of Brussels. M. Alleaume, who is a Parisian, had......