Or Court.
Tee company at Windsor, invited to meet the King and Queen of the Belgians, is very small, and consists almost exclusively of Whig Lords and Ladies. Lord Melbourne, Lord Palmerston, Lord Cotten- ham, Lord Glenolg, Marquis Conyngham, Lord Alfred Paget, the Marchioness of Tavistock, and Miss Lister, seem to have been the daily associates of the Queen and her guests in their morning rides and evening parties.
On Thursday, the Queen and the Dutchess of Kent, with Leopold and his wife, came to town ; and the Queen showed her uncle and aunt the tine new palace she has got in the Pimlico swamp. Tile party re- turned to Windsor in the evening.
Their Belgian Majesties depart on Tuesday next, by way of Ramsgate. It is expected that the Queen will return to town from Windsor about the 2d of November. She will probably remain in London till after the meeting of Parliament, and then proceed to Brighton. The Duke of Cambridge on Wednesday left Cambridge House, Piccadilly, for Dover; where he is expected to remain for some weeks.
Miss Quentin, daughter of Sir George Quentin, the Equerry of the Royal Stables, daily exercises the horses at Kew, intended for the Queen's use. Miss Quentin is a famous horsewoman.