16 SEPTEMBER 1837, page 20
Mr. Hatbox's Third And Last Letter To Lord John Russell
ON THE ROYAL ACADEMY. Tilt picture of the Academic character and practices, so forcibly and humorously drawn in this letter, is faithful, and not overcharged. Haenos, us usual,......
Clothing Or Statues.
" How ought statues to be clothed ?" is a quostio ve.rata with modern sculptors ; and one that the community are more interested in being rightly determined than most abstract......
London, 11th September 1837. My Lord-.4 Appeal To Sir David,
Sir RICHARD, Sir FRANCIS, Sir GEOFTRY. Sir WILLIAM, Sir A I:GUSTUS, Sir ROBERT, Sir CHARLES, Sir JOHN, and Sir MARTIN—was there ever such a galaxy of knights ! ABTHU IL and his......