Mr. Hatbox's Third And Last Letter To Lord John Russell
ON THE ROYAL ACADEMY. Tilt picture of the Academic character and practices, so forcibly and humorously drawn in this letter, is faithful, and not overcharged. Haenos, us usual,......
He Considers Their Supercession Beneficial ; Because The...
this very interesting statement; where was th e visit made, Mr. White? " and British Schools : for the monitors are very little in advance of " Even here, Sir," replied Mr.......
Musical Review.
Article " Music," ix (lie new edi a ti r unc4the Encyckpredia Britannica, Part 8 In glancing over the last-published Part of the Encyclopaedia Bri- tunnica, we lighted on a most......
Fine Arts.
THE Queen has appointed Mr. SAMUEL. PROUT principal painter in water colours to her Majesty ; an honour well bestowed and well deserved. Paour is one of the old school of water......