It appears from a Parliamentary return, that the amount expended
Commissions of Inquiry, from 1807 to 1836, both years inclusive, is 1,689,1361. Referring to the return, the Globe says- " Our readers will perceive from this document how completely unfounded has been the Tory outcry against the Whig Governments for unprecedented expenditure in jobbing commissions. The average of the six years ending 1830 is 73,7351., and that of the six years ending 1836 no more than 78,5741. During the latter of these periods, the Liberal Governments have been saddled with such relics of their pure predecessors as the Record Commission."
Here it is insinuated that the Whigs would have got rid of the Record Commission if they could, but that they were saddled with it by their Tory predecessors. Is this true ? is not the existing Record Commission a Whig job ? Was not Lord BROUGHAM its patron ? Is not its Secretary his protalgi: ? The cost of the Record Commission in 1836 was 19,820/. ; of the Charity Commission, 24,456/. Whose
job (for it is little better than a job) was the Charity Commission, which has cost, first and last, some hundreds of thousands ?