A correspondent of the Times mentions, that as he was
passing Woolwich 111 the City of London steamer from Ramsgate, on Tues. day, a cannon-ball or a shell came whizzing just ahead of the vessel, and fell in the water about fifty yards on the starboard side. The young gentlemen at Woolwich, it seemed, were learning the science of gunnery, arid pointing their pieces without due regard to the safety of " civilians " The Times says that it has repeatedly received complaints on this subject ; and recommends, that if death ensue from such cul- pable carelessness, the offending parties should be tried and punished : would it not be preferable to prevent both the offence and the punish- ment, by prohibiting the dangerous practice? It was a mere chance that
the City of London bad not passed the very spot where the ball struck
the river ; and the City of Canterbury, with five hundred passengers, had actually passed it only five minutes before.
The officers of excise made an extensive seizure a few days since, on the premises of Mr. T. Smith, a person carrying on business as a tailor at 8, Webb's Lane, Hammersmith. On the officers obtaining admix. sion, they found in one of the lower rooms a still capable in a few hours of distilling several hundred gallons of spirits in full operation. There was also every utensil requisite for carrying on an extensive business; which, with 100 gallons of unrectified spirit, were seized. Smith was conveyed before the Magistrates at Kensington, and fined 30/. ; which was immediately paid by a showily-dressed female, said to be his wife. The still and every thing connected with it were declared forfeited to the Crown.
Typhus fever of a violent character is now raging in the parish of Bethnal Green and its neighbourhood. The parish authorities have acted in a humane and judicious manner, by affording medical and other relief to sufferers at their own homes, or sending them to the Fever Hospital; by which means the malady has been kept out of the Work. house.
A person named Clark, in the employ of an annuity.broker, has ab. sconded with the suns of 12,0001. which he had obtained in his master's name from persons on the Stock Exchange.
Mr. Graham's Royal Victoria balloon burst on Saturday, during the process of inflation, in Lord's Cricket-ground, Marylebone.
A Mr. Brown was knocked down by the Taunton coach in the Strand on Thursday : the horses trampled on him, and he mils taken to the hospital in a state of danger.