At the Edinburgh registration, the Liberal claims admitted were 351, Tory 179. In Peeblesshire, Tory claims 85, Liberal 13; Tory • voters removed 4, Liberal 21. In Berwickshire, Tory claims admitted 40, Liberal 9. In the Haddington Burghs, the Tory gain was 10 votes. In other parts of Scotland Tory activity in the Registration Courts is conspicuous. A subscription has been set on foot in Kincardine for assisting Co- lonel Abercromby and the Reformers in Stirlingsbire in keeping out Mr. Forbes. A considerable sum has already been obtained, and the people of Kincardine are going briskly to work, so that we have no doubt but that they will subscribe to a considerable amount. Let every town and village do the same, and we shall in a short time see Colonel Abercromhy Member for Stirlingshire.—Stirling Observer.
It would seem that a sort of Tory Congress is to be held in Scotland.
The Tory press intimates that the Earl of Aberdeen has invited the Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, and Lord Lyndhurst, to the fetes to be given on Lord Haddo *auditing his majority. It is thought that the Duke of Wellington, in particular, would not be induced to take so long a journey on such slight grounds. unless other matters be- sides banqueting were to be on the tapis.—Caledonian Mercury.
The University of Edinburgh has conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws on Sir Astley Cooper.
The Glasgow Herald of Friday last states, that the Isle of Skye has been visited with a terrific hurricane, which lasted for twelve hours. A number of Clyde fishing-smacks were at anchor in the harbour of Portree, their boats being outside fishing. The hurricane came on suddenly, and swamped the boat belonging to the Janet, of Greenock, drowning three of its crew. A boat belonging to the Isle of Skye was swamped, and four men who were in it were drowned.