The Durham Chronicle positively contradicts the reports that Lord Durham
is unwell. On the contrary, says that journal, "during the four.and.twenty years we Luce known his Lordship as a public man, we nevi r saw him looking co well. Ile is indeed quite robust."
Since the termination of the contest tat Bath, Mr. Roebuck has been upon a visit to Li: brother. in. hi w in IlitieFsh ire.
Lord I lolland is meditating a journey to Paris.
We learn with great regret. that a formal separation will be arranged in a few days between a pubic lord and his lady. All prospect of accommodation, founded cad the hope of altered conduct in the acrid-. ing individual, is mifortimately at en end.—Post.
The Honourable Mr. and 3Irs. Norton have been again figuring lux the newspapers. Mr. Norton, in an advertisement, warned all persons from trusting his wife, as she had quitted Lis house, and refused to accept the provision he had made for her, which was as large as he could afford; preferring to run in debt for luxuries, NA inch _Mr. Norton declares he will not pay for. In reply to this advertisement, Messrs. Jennings and Bolton, solicitors, publish ;mother, stating that they have Ma.. 13rilisley Sheridan's :authority to declare that Mr. Norton's state- ment is false. Whereupon Messrs. Clarke, Fyinnore, and Flarigate, publish a rejoinder, asserting that Mr. Norton has evidence to verify all that he has staid, but is advised not to enter into details at present, and to submit the ease to the consideration of a court of justice at the earliest possible opportunity. 'Tis a pity " the town" is so empty; this continuation of the Norton squabble would afford an edifying topic of conversation to so many enlightened and fashionable circles at the West-end.
Mrs. George Keppel, lady of the HonourableliMajor Keppel, has succeeded to a fortune of 100,0001. by the demise of her father, Sir Coutts Trotter, whose personal property has been estimated at 300,0001. Mr. Craufurd Antrobus, of Eaton Hall, married a daughter of Sir Coutts, but she only survived her marriage two or three years. Mr. Antrobus is brother to Sir Edmund Antrobus.
The Marquis of Hertford and suite left Paris on Sunday last for Italy.
The ancient family of Sherborne are on the eve of recovering posses-. sion of their estates, free from incumbrance. Instead of an income of 6,0001. they will have 22,0001. per annum. The old English hospitality will then be revived at Sherborne Hall.
The celebrated Polish dwarf, Count Boruwlaski, died at his cottage near Durham, " of a general decay of nature," on Tuesday week ; his age being ninety-eight.
The name of Mr. Protheroe having been inserted in a list of Mem- bers stigmatized as Socinian in the Tory journals, that gentleman has written a letter to the Morning Chronicle declaring himself to be s "stanch Church of England man."
A spring, possessing water of superior quality, has recently bees discovered near the statue of Achilles ; and, as the water of Bucking.. ham House is bad, a well is to be dug there to supply the palace.