The transactions of the week have been quite unimportant, and the fluctua- tions of the Funds have been so trifling as scarcely to require any notice. Money has become abundant, and the current rate of interest may be stated at from 3 to 4 per cent.
In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock had at one time improved more than 1 per cent., the price on Wednesday having been 21i : that price, however, has not been supported, and the quotations of to-day are •F: to per cent. lower.
The settlement of the half-monthly account in the Foreign Market has oc- curred to-day ; but the transactions have been so few that the Stock Exchange has lacked the bustle which has hitherto been the accompaniment of similar days.
Same little activity' has been manifested in the markets for South American Stock ; all descriptions of which have been in demand at advanced prices. The Mexican Bonds have been the most inquired after ; a plan having, it is understood, been agreed to by the Coven:uncut, by which it is proposed to con- vert the whole of the existing Mexican Debt, with its accumulation of interest, into two descriptions of Stock, the one a five per cent. security, the interest on which is to commence on the 1st October next ; and the other a Deferred Stock, under the name of Land Debenture. The holders of the present Six per Cent. Mexican Bonds will be entitled to exchange them for 731. new Five per Cent. Stock, and an equal amount of Land Debenture ; while the existing Five per Cents. will become exchangeable for 681. of the new Five per Cent. and an equal amount of Land Debenture.
Some transactions have occurred in the new Brighton Railway Shares; but these speculations, as well as all others, have been on a limited scale.
The only business that has occurred this morning has been in South Ame- rican Stock, which continues in demand. Mexican Six per Cents. are 29, Five per Cents. 23 to 23, and Columbian are 26 to 264. All other descrip- tirais of Stock, both English and Foreign, may be quoted nominally at yester- day's prices.
3 per Cent. Consols Ilitto for Account 91i i 911 92 Brazilian 5 per Cents. Dutch 21 per Cents 86e 7 &I it 3 peer Cent. Reduced slut Danish
New 3} per Cent. Anne
99t 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 391 40
n..111: Stuck
Ditto 3 per Cent.
25/ 26 I ;att.' Stork -- Russian (1522)5 per Ceut... 109 Ditto Bowls
52 prm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent...
204 • Exchequer Bills 47 49pm Deferred Stock. 61 71
Belgian 5 per Cents.
1031 Passive Ditto
41 5
'F he prices at the close of the market are precisely the same as in the morn- ing. The South American Stocks are still in vogue, and have remained firm at the closing prices during the greatest part of the afternoon. Mexican Six per Cents. may be quoted at 291 si, Five per Cents. at 24 to 25, and Colum- Liens at' 6 to 26i. Nothing of importance has occurred in the Railway Shares.