On the 13th August, at Lavignone, near Genoa, the Wife of the Rev. A. B. Stret. tell, English Chaplain at Genoa, of a daughter. On the 6th September, at Abbott's Moss, Cheshire, the Hon. Mrs. Cholmondeley, of a daughter. On the 7th, at Dartmouth House, Blackheath, the Wife of Captain Lynedoch Gardiner, R.A., Military Secretary at Gibraltar, of a son. On the 7th, at Edinburgh, the Duchess of Montrose, of a daughter. On the 80, at Overbury Court, Worcestershire, the Lady Catherine Berkeley, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Bonn, Prussia, the Wife of John Torriano Houlton, Esq., of Far- leigh Castle. Somerset, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Bradfield, near Cullornpton. the Hon. Mrs. Walrond, of a daughter. On the 10th, at Maiden Bradley, Wilts, Lady Herrnione Graham, of a daughter. On the 12th, at Albury, the Wife of Martin F. Tupper, Esq., of a stillborn son.
On the 5th September, at Monekstonm Church, near Dublin, George Massy Daw- son, Esq. of Ballinacourte, Tipperary, to Grace Elizabeth, second daughter of Sir William Leeson, Corrig House, Kingstown. On the 6th, at Hated Church. Henry Hoghten, Esq., of Hafod, Cardiganshire, and Bold, Lancashire, eldest son of Sir Henry Bold Hoghton, Bart., of Hoghton Tower, Lancashire, to Ellen Ann, only child of the late Ralph Harvey, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn. On the 7th, the Rev. Thomas Harrison, of Bembridge. Isle of Wight, youngest eon of the late Robert Harrison, Esq., of Moor Allerton House, Leeds, to Caroline Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Charles Heaton Ellis, Esq., of Harley Street, and Wyddial Hall, Herts. On the 7th, at Kedleston Church, W. Hatfield de Hodes, Esq., of Barlborough Hall, Derbyshire, to Sophia lelicite, eldest daughter of the late Hon. and Rev. Alfred Curzon, of Weston Underwood, in the same county.
On the 7th, at Warmanby, near Annan, the Rev. Hugh M'Bryde Bronn' Minister of the Free Church, parish of Lochmaben, and youngest son of the late Hon. Sir James Broun, seventh Baronet of Coulston, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Alex- ander Carruthers, Esq., of Warmanby, one of the Deputy-Lieutenants of Dumfries- shire.
On the 12th, at Astbury Church, Cheshire, the Rev. Charles William Doherty, M.A., Domestic Chaplain to the Marquis of Ely. Rector of Pelham, Lincoln, and second son of the late Right Hon. Lord Chief Justice Doherty, to Julia, second daughter of Samuel Pearson, Esq., of Lawton Hall, Cheshire. On the 12th, at St. Mary's Church, Southampton, Major Rushbrooke. of Rush- brooks Park, Suffolk, late of the Scots Fusilier Guards, to Violette Emily, second daughter of John Alfred Trimmer, Esq., of Haslemere.
On the 12th, at Slaugharn, Sussex, the lion. St. John Paul Methuen, brother of Lord Methuen, of Corsham Court, Wilts, to Anne, eldest daughter of the Rev. W. Sergison, Rector of Slaugham, in the above county.
On the 140, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, David Wilson, Esq., of Brook Street, GrosvenorSquare, to Anne, widow of the late Earl of Buckinghamshire. DEATHS.
On the 2d September, William Havergal, Esq., of High Wycombe; in his 90th year. On the 6th, at the Rectory, Nuneham, the Worshipful and Rev. James Baker, Chancellor of the Diocese of Durham, and for twenty-nine years Rector of the parish of Nuneham.
On the 6th, in Northwiek Terrace, St. John's Wood, after an illness of twenty years, Henry Keith Stewart, Esq., second son of the late Hon. James H. K. Stewart, C.B. ; in his 32d year. On the 7th, in Barnsbury Road, Islington, Captain John Salmon, R.N.; in his 80th year.
On the 7th, at Putney, Flora Fanny, eldest daughter of Sir Erskine Perry; in her 18th year.
On the 7th, at Manderston. Berwickshire, the Hon. Mrs. Jane Maitland. On the 9th, at Ipswich, Mrs. Elizabeth Gower, late of Great Totham Vicarage, Essex, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Foote Gower, of Chelmsford ; inher 95th year.
On the 10th, at Southampton, John Dick, Esq., Admiral of the Blue ; in his 76th year.
On the 116, at Richmond Lodge, Putney, Fanny Elizabeth Fitzwilliam, of the Haymarket Theatre ; in her 52d year. On the 11th, at Neasdon House, Middlesex, Alexander Adam Front, M.D., of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea ; in his 35th year. On the 11th, the Rev. Joseph France, AM., of Ham, Surrey ; in his 64th year. On the 12th, at Brompton, James Burkin, eldest son of Henry Hegira Burroughs, Esq., M.P., of Burlington Hall, Norfolk.
On the 13th, at Shirley Park, Croydon, the Earl of Eldon.