Not Long Since, We Had Reports In London Of Some
formidable Anti-British movement on the r aid of the American Government, in Greytown the capital of the small empire of Mosquitia ; but, unappa ll ed b y these alarming......
'br T Out Prince Albert Returned To Osborne From Boulogne On
Saturday morn- ing. The Queen went out to sea in the Fairy to meet him, and they proceeded together to East Cowes. Here the King of Portugal and the Duke of Oporto came on board......
'hr 3iittrtifulb.
A deputation from All Saints, Poplar, waited upon Sir Benjamin Hall on Wednesday, to present certain resolutions respecting the defective state of the drainage in that district,......
T4t Vrnuiutto.
The Liverpool and Manchester Agricultural Society held their annual show, at .Altrincham, on the 8th instant ; and a very good show it was. At the banquet in the evening, over......