16 SEPTEMBER 1854, page 21
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Salmi Monday. Tuesday. ranee Thurs. spec Cent Console Ditto for Account 93 :1581 951 951 95, 951 1 4 991 3 per Cents Reduced shut shut 31 per......
Commercial Gazette, Tuesday, September 12.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Swift and Dezille, London, timber-dealers-B. and W. Ransom, Southampton, gardeners-Harding and Butler, Gresham Street, accountants -Maberley and Cruso,......
Military Gazette, War-office, Sept. 12.—staff—col. W. F....
to be Deputy Adjutant-Gen. in Ireland, vice Eden, promoted to be Major-Gen. Recruiting Districts—Col. T. E. Kelly, from the Provisional Battalion at Chatham, to be Inspecting......