COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Tuesday, September 12.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Swift and Dezille, London, timber-dealers-B. and W. Ransom, Southampton, gardeners-Harding and Butler, Gresham Street, accountants -Maberley and Cruso, Buckingham Street, architects-Hardman and Tattersall, Spring Mill, Bacup, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-George and Co. Bridport, fellmongers-Sparks and Charles, Old Bond Street, Italian-warehousemen-Drury and Co. Scarborough, grocers-Cbilde and Beevers, Leeds, engravers-Parry and Co. Willenhall, Staffordshire, ironmongers-Lomas and Co. Sheffield, anvil-manufac- turers; as far as regards T. H. Fromings-Bastow and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, norsted-manufacturers-Green and Kissock, Leicester, linen-drapers-Gayford and Decks, Thetford, Norfolk, grocers-Misses Pullen, Plymouth, schoolmistresses; as far as regards H. A. Pullen-Bicknell and Hogarth, Haymarket, printsellers- Hargreaves and Nephew. Clitheroe, stone-masons-Mawdit and Wells, Baker Street, Marylebone, confectioners-Hollingsworth and Hodgson, Nottingham, tailors- Houston and Evans, Nottingham, drapers-W. and J. Duval, Hemsworth, York- shire, stone-masons.
BANKR1TPTS.-11ENRT WIGO and BURTON SmiTH, Gresham Street West, commis- sion-agents, to surrender Sept. 21, Nov. 6: solicitor, Reed, Ironmonger Lone; offi- cial assignee, Whitmore, Boisinghall Street-BE:emu:: Peamea, Albany Road, Camberwell, builder, Sept. 20, Oct. 15: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-ANN Menu ED1VARDS and THOMAS COOPER. Birmingham, ironmongers, Sept. 25, Oct. 16: solicitor, Reece, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittieston, Birmingliam-GEonoE Semesosi, Lincoln, draper, Sept. 27, Oct. 25: solicitor, Tweed, Lincoln; official assignee, Carrick, Hull. CEETreseerEs.-2b be granted, tinfeet cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting-Oct. 3, Morris, Soham, Cambridgeshire, gas-manufacturer-Oct. 3. Druke, Garlick Hill, drysalter-Oct. 3, Dossetter, Theobald's Road, ironmonger-Oct. 5, Shapcott, Preston Plucknett, Somersetshire, wool-dealer-Oct. 5, Palmer, Bride- stowe, Devonshire, maltster-Oct. 5, Courtis, Beeralstone, Devonshire, grocer- Oct. 5, Bloxam, Lukesland Grove, Ivy Bridge, Devonshire, horse-dealer-Oct. 3, Atherton, Liverpool, merchant-Oct. 5, Wainwright, Bridgewater, builder.
Scowls SEHDESTRATIONS.-Lieut, Macpherson, Kingussie, Inverness-shire, tacks- man, Sept. 21-Dodds, Glasgow, sail-cloth-manufacturer, Sept. 22-Low, Alyth, Perthshire, baker, Sept. 21.
Friday, September 15. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Venables and CO. Aldgate High Street, woollen-dra- pers-T. and J. Venablcs, High Street, Whitechapel, linen-drapers-Waithman and Co. Manchester, commission-agents; tee far as regards W. Waithman-Waithman and Co. Bentham, Yorkshire, flax-spinners; as far as regards W. Waithman-B. and 8.0. Bucknall, Stroud, printers-H. and J. Bonney and Co.-T. and E. Fowles, High Street, Whitechapel, hosiers-Russell and Scudamore, Brighton, schoolmas- ters-Midworth and Crossley, Newark-upon-Trent, painters-Preston and Watson, Liverpool-Suddaby and Hurst, Hull, drapers-I. and H. Witchell, Tetbury, Glou- cestershire, brewers-Meakin and Co. Redcross Street, tinmen-Graham and Co. Berners Street, mineral-water-manufacturers-C. Oliver, Chesterfield; Rigby, Cray- don; Greaves, New Shoreham; E. Oliver, Lewes; W. Oliver, Chesterfield; and Flesher, Hayward's Heath, Sussex, railway-contractors-Cook and Newman, Lon- don Road, horse-dealers-Tunstill and Co. Marsden, Lancashire, machine-makers ; as far as regards It. Brown-Hodgson and Haley, Bradford, Yorkshire, machine- makers-White and Co. Upper Thames Street, millers-Shilston and Son, Plymouth, shm-buildera-G. and G. J. England, Dudley, brewers-Woods and Eckersley, Leigh, Lancashire, carriers-Payne and Spargo;West Cowes, chemists-Hullah and Co. High Street, Wapping, biscuit-bakers; as far as regards J. Hodgson-Walker and Aslin, Ripon, lace-dealers; as far as regards T. Walker. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-PATazor Fennell, and JOHN GET.Pprms, Manchester, builders.
BeNkatiP111.-Tesomes YOUNGMAN, Pittleld Street, Horton, linen-draper, to sur- render Sept. 27, Oct. 18: solicitors, Clarks, Finsbury Place; official assignee, Stens- feld, Basinghall Street-Wu:tux THOMAS, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, commission- agent, Sept. 26, Oct. 18: solicitors, Ashurst and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Stansfeld, Baeinghall Street-STEPHEN HARRIS. Kingston-upon-Thames, iron- monger, Sept. 27, Oct. 18: solicitors, Stevens and Satchel', Queen Street, Cheapside; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Joan Commie PENFOLD, Park Terrace, Chelsea, oilman, Sept. 26, Oct. 25: solicitor, Moss, Queen Street, Cheapside ; offi- cial assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-ANN MARIA EDWARDS and Tkomes COOPER, Coventry. ironmongers, Sept. 25, Oct. 16: solicitor, Reece, Birmingham ; official as- signee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Wromem BRAILSFORD, Nottingham, smallware- dealer, Sept. 26, Oct. 24: solicitor, Wells, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Wirmum HOLBROOK, Nottingham, joiner, September 26, October 24: solicitors, Buttery and Son, Nottingham; official assignee, Harris, Notting-
ham-EBENEZER WILLIAMS, St. David's, Pembrokeshire, druggist, Sept. 26, Oct. 24: solicitors, Leman and Humphreys, Bristol; official aseignee. Miller, Bristol-Bakers° Commas jun. Painswick, Gloucestershire, blanket-manufacturer, Oct. 2, 24 : solicitors, Freeston, Stroud ; Abbot and Lucas, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol- JosErn WILLIAM HALL, Cardiff, dealer in agricultural-implements, Oct. 5, 24: soli- citors, Bartholomew and Randall, Gray's Inn; Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-THomes Hrrertneas, Axminster, Devonshire, nursery- man, Sept. 27, Oct. 26: solicitor, Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter -.Torus Tesokrussr, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, drysalter, Sept. 26, Oct. 19: soli- citor, Mareland, Bolton; official assignee, Putt, Manchester-Davin Scow, South- port, Lancashire, pork-butcher, Oct. 6, Nov. 8: solicitor, Webster, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-Thomas Peruse's, Southport, Lancashire, hotelkeeper, Sept. 26, Oct. 23: solicitors, Frodsham, Liverpool; Johnson, South- port ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. DiVIDENDS.-Oct, 7, Clifford, Strood, Kent, builder-Oct. 7, Thwaites, Hastings, grocer-Oct. 12, Head, Exeter, silversmith-Oct. 7, Sayer, Sheffield, draper.
CERTITICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 7, Clifford, Strood, builder-Oct. 7, Thome, Warwick Square, New- gate Street, printer-Oct. 7, Lambert, Jermyn Street, patent medicine vendor-Oct. 7, Homersham, Russell Street, Bermondsey, woolstapler-Oct. 6, Buono, Fenchurch Street, merchant-Oct. 7, Griffis, Woodford Bridge, underwriter-Oct. 10, Bell, Great Baddovr, Essex, hop-merchant-Oct. 6, Youds, Birkenhead, joiner.
Score's SEQUESTRATIONS.-Marchardy, or Stewart, late of Edinburgh, Sept. 26- Miller and Cowper, Glasgow, merchants, Sept. 26.