SATURDAY. The Gazette of last night contained the following announcement, under the head of "Thanksgiving for the Harvest." "At the Court at Buckingham Palace" the 13th day of......
The Lord-lieutenant Of Ireland Sailed From Kingstown On...
in the Prince Arthur, for England. It is stated that he will not return to Dublin until the beginning of November. The election for King's Lynn, to fill the vacancy' caused by......
Cheerful News From The East Is Furnished By The Telegraphic
wire : how far it may be entirely relied on it is impossible to say. Cheerful news from the East is furnished by the telegraphic wire : how far it may be entirely relied on it......
A Telegraphic Despatch From Trieste, Dated September 14,...
arrival there of the Austria from Alexandria, bearing a telegraphic summary of the Indian mail. "Alexandria, Sept. 9.—The India mail leaves this place today, with ad- vices from......
The Church and State Gazette has published a correspondence between the Reverend William Brock, of Bishop's Waltham in the diocese of Win- chester, and the Bishop of Oxford. Mr.......
The Navy.
ADMIRALTY, Sept. 15.—The following promotions, dated the 11th instant, have this day taken place, consequent on the death, on the 10th instant, of Ad- miral of the Blue John......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANOZ, FRIDAY AFTERNOON: An increased demand for money this week has rendered an early reduction in the Bank rate of discount less probable ; which, coupled with an......