16 SEPTEMBER 1854, Page 8

Cheerful news from the East is furnished by the telegraphic

wire : how far it may be entirely relied on it is impossible to say. Cheerful news from the East is furnished by the telegraphic wire : how far it may be entirely relied on it is impossible to say.

" Constantinople, Sept. 7.—The storm which had raged for some days in the Black Sea has ceased. On the 4th all the troops had embarked. The whole fleet consists of 600 sail. The first division of the fleet sailed in the direction of Sebastopol. The strength of the army is 90,000 men. On the 4th Marshal St. Arnaud sailed on board the Charlemagne. "Bellamy' has gained a great victory over the Russians at Teflis. The Russians lost many men, seven guns, 3000 tents, and all their baggage, with many horses and waggons. All the provisions and ammunition of the Rus- sians fell into the hands of the victors. The Russians, under Prince Bebu- toff, are retreating in forced marches from Kutais and Kars to Teflis. "On the 25th of August the Turkish Minister retired from Teheran to Er- zeroum. There is a complete rupture between the Porte and Persia." "Constantinople, Sept. 8.—The French fleet left Varna on the 5th, and the British fleet left Baltschik on the 7th ; but they were expected to arrive at their destination, on the coast of the Crimea, simultaneously, owing to the British steamers possessing greater horse-power. The landing was ex- pected to take place between the 10th and the 12th. This is official." "Vienna, Friday.—Bucharest, Sept. 11.—The Austrian Consul Laurin leaves tomorrow for Vienna, with *despatches from Dervish Pasha and Count Coronini, inviting Prince Stirbey to return as Ilospodar. Cholera is decreasing and trade improving in Wallachia.

"Constantinople, Sept. 8.—The Sultan has issued &mans for the re. instalment of the Princes Stirbey and Ghikas as Hospodars. This is official. "Letters from Galatz state that the first division of the expedition was seen off the Kilia mouth of the Danube on the 9th of September, steering towards the island of Adage.

"A plenipotentiary from Prince Danilo of Montenegro is here, and offers submission to Austria for a pecuniary consideration—namely, a yearly sub- sidy; Russia having withdrawn her subsidies."

' Vienna, Sept. 15.—The Prase announces that Prince Gortschakoff's head-quarters have been established at Jassy since the 5th instant. The district of Galatz has been entirely. evacuated by the corps of General Luders. The Turks have entered Fokscham."

"Jassy, Sept. 8.—The Russians are quitting Moldavia with all possible speed. It is said that the Turks have entered Fokschani." "Stockholm, Sept. 13.—Our papers state that an allied force has landed at 111ricasborg, near Sweaborg (Helsingfors), erected batteries, and destroyed a large division of Russian gun-boats, which the enemy thought were safe in that harbour. The town was set on fire."

" Dantzic, Friday.—The Vulture left the British fleet at Ledsund on the 13th, and has just arrived at this port. The new fortifications at Bomarsund were being destroyed by the engineers. The fleet was remarkably healthy, The Royal George is ordered home." "St. Petersburg, Sept. 9.—An Imperial ukase orders a fresh levy of ten men in every thousand souls throughout the Western provinces. The Jews i are included n this recruiting, and have to furnish men in the proportion just stated. The object of the levy is alleged to be the formation of reserve corps."

The Emperor Napoleon reviewed the large cavalry force and the infantry at Helfaut, on Thursday, and the troops at lionvault and Wime- rens on Friday, expressly out of courtesy to General de Wedell, deputed by the King of Prussia to witness the military evolutions of the Army. of the North. On both days the rain poured down heavily, but did not drive the Emperor or his guest from the field.

The dioniteur of yesterday contains an Imperial decree calling out for active service the remainder of the 140,000 young men already decreed as the contingent of 1853. About 60,000 men form this remainder. Their addition to the army is necessary to compensate the reduction which will take place independently of the war, by the liberation of the conscripts of 1847.