An increased demand for money this week has rendered an early reduction in the Bank rate of discount less probable ; which, coupled with an advance of 4s. to 5s. in the Corn-market, would doubtless have produced an adverse effect on the Funds, had they not received support occasionally from the nu- merous operations for a rise, based upon the chances of success in the anti- cipated attack on Sebastopol. The highest prices were realized on Tuesday, when Consols touched 951. On Wednesday, the settlement of the Account was arranged ; and the delivery of Stock proving larger than was expected, caused a temporary decline to 951. 1, but they closed t higher. Yesterday, they were again dull at 951 1. The Paris market has been heavy, and has not responded to our occasional improvement; which is attributed to the rumour that a new French loan of 16,000,0001. was in contemplation. At Vienna, the Funds have slightly rallied, and the rate of exchange on London has receded 2t per cent. The arrivals of gold and specie this week have comprised 599,2721. received yesterday from Australia, in five vessels over- due, 331,500/. from the United States, 31,7121. from South America, and a remittance from Lisbon. A portion of these will probably be sent to Paris. The commercial accounts from New York are rather more cheering ; but the Securities have been very fluctuating. Erie Railroad Stock, which had pre- viously rallied to 37t, had receded to 32.
The half-yearly meeting of Bank Stock Proprietors took place yesterday ; and a dividend of 4i per cent, free from Income-tax, was declared. The profits for the six months ending August 31st were said to have amounted to 624,326/. ; which added to the " rest " forms a total of 3,654,9121. After paying the dividend, the rest will be 3,000,027/.
Today there has been less doing in the Funds, but they leave off h higher ; Consols for Money being 951 and for Account 95t 1. Exchequer Bonds have been in demand, and during the week have been done at 100; they
are now 99.1 Exchequer Bills have improved 2s. In Foreign Stocks, there has been little activity, and the leading Securi- ties generally present no alteration this week. Austrian, Russian Five per Cents, and Swedish, have improved 1. Buenos Ayrea has declined 1, and Mexican t. Turkish Scrip has been heavy, and has receded ; it is now 4f S.
Railways were firm during the first portion of the week, and a slight im- provement occurred in some of the leading descriptions; which has since been lost, partly owing:to a pressure of Stock on the settlement of the Ac- count, which took place yesterday. Several of the principal lines compared with last Saturday presented no change ; in others the difference was to the following extent. Increase-Scottish Central, 21.; Great Northern, and North-Eastern-Berwick, 11.; Midland, 108.; Caledonian, 5s. Decrease- London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Scottish Midland, II. ; South-East- ern, 168.; London and North-Western, 108. In Foreign Shares, Paris and Rouen have improved 11.; and the following have declined-Paris and Or- leans, ; Great Western of Canada, 108.; Northern of France, Paris and Lyons, and Sambre and Meuse, 5s.; Eastern of France, and Great Luxem- bourg Constituted, 2s. 6d. The half-year's dividend declared by the Lanca- shire and Yorkshire Company was 1/. 158. per 100/. Stock, and the report was considered favourable. The chief discussion at the meeting had refer- ence to the delay in opening the Manchester and Southport line. Today little alteration has occurred either in English or Foreign Shares.
The English Funds are rather firm this morning at the quotations reached after official hours yesterday ; Consols being 951 t for Money and 01 for Account. Exchequer Bills 6 to 9. The bullion return by the Bank of Eng- land shows a decrease of 46,5521. In Foreign Stocks there is nothing new ; Turkish Scrip continues at q 51 premium. Railways are steady the pre- sent bargains are these-Caledonian, 66k; Great Northern, 90; Ditto A. stock, 73; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 74.
3 per Cent Consols 951 1 Danish 3 per Cents
77 80 Ditto for Account
Dutch 21 per Cents
61 3
3 per Cent Reduced
shut Ditto 4 per Ceuta
93 5
34 per Cents shut
Mexican 3 per Cents
241 5 Long Annuities shut Peruvian.41 per Cents 70 2 Bank Stock shut Ditto 3 per Cents 51 3 Exchequer Bills 6 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 40 2 India Stock 226 9 Russian 5 per Cents 98 100 Austrian 5 per Cents 83 6 Ditto 41 per Cents 88 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 371 8 Belgian per Cents 92 4 Ditto Deferred 181 Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 87 9 Danish 5 per Cents
100 2 ex div.
Swedish 4 per Cents 86 8 BANE OP ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 33. for the Week ending on Saturday, the 9th day of September 1854. Mrs raiturrioncr.
Notes Issued £26,630,110 Government Debt £11,015,100
Other Securities 2,984,900
Gold Coin and Bullion 12,630.110
Silver Bullion
SAN SINS 7111qUauraier.
Proprietors. Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities
Rest 3,694,814 cludir gDeadWeightAnnuity) £10,996,955 Public Deposits. 4,342,706 Other Securities 14,719,492 Other Deposits 9,766,245 Notes 7,008,160 Seven Day and otherBilis 1,059,551 Gold and Silver Coin 691,709 £33,416,316 £23,410,316 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissionersof National Debt, & Dividend Acct.