The Irish Representative Prelates in the next session of Parliament will be the Archbishop of Dublin, and the Bishops of Meath, Kilaloe, and Kilmore.
The Irish Chancery Court would seem still to require the restorative influence of reform. Even under the Chancery Amendment Act, the costs incurred in seeking to recover a sum of 2904 were no less than 9004 The Irish journals have now frequently to record instances of the friendly relations which subsist between the tenants and recent owners of estates. Last week, festive congratulations were exchanged between the tenants of Lord Lorton at Boyle and Mr. Latty at Cregg near Gort, and their landlords.
The Inconstant frigate, of 36 guns, arrived at Queenstown on the 8th, under topmasts, and anchored off Haulbowline. Her destination, it is understood, is that of a receiving-ship for emigrants from vessels attacked with infectious disease, though as yet no official intimation has arrived. Her arrival has excited a great deal of interest in Queenstown.
The Queen has sent a donation of 100/. to the Sailors' Home at Queens- town.
The first vessel bound direct from Belfast to Australia sailed from that port on Saturday, for Melbourne. The vessel is called the Ant, and is intended for the coasting-trade in Port Phillip Bay.