Queen Victoria arrived in her Scottish capital at half-past six on Thurs- day evening. Notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, crowds were congregated in the Park to ,greet her Majesty with their cheers. At Holyrood, in the advancing twilight, the Queen, accom- panied by Prince Albert and the children, walked a short time in the Palace garden. Setting out from Holyrood at nine o'clock yesterday morning, her Majesty reached Aberdeen at two, and proceeded by the Deeside Rail- way to Banchory, where she arrived a little before three in the after- noon. There the party partook of some refreshment ; and as the railway terminates at Banchory, they concluded the journey, by Aboyne and
Bander, in the royal carriages. At half-past six o'clock her Majesty was once more safely lodged at Balmoral.
The freedom of Wick, formerly voted, was presented to Mr. Hume M.P. on the 8th instant ; Sir George Sinclair presiding on the occasion.
Lieutenant-Colonel T. H. Blair, the Member for Ayrshire, who is at present residing at Blairquhan Castle, proceeds immediately to join his regiment, the Scots Fusilier Guards, in Turkey.—Scottigi Guardian.