eiOt tbratrts.
The activity of the Haymarket Theatre has received a violent check from the sudden and lamented death of Mrs. Fitzwilliam. Setting aside all other considerations, we may say, even with reference to the theatre alone, this is a calamity that can scarcely be over-estimated. It is the case not merely of an individual deceased, but of a department destroyed; that department being preeminently important at an establishment chiefly devoted to comic drama. A new comedy was to have been produced on Wednesday last, with Mrs. Fitzwilliam in one of the principal characters ; but of course all the arrangements for the season are thrown into confu- sion, and the only show of novelty is the announcement of Mr. Hudson's reappearance on Monday next.
Mr. Morris Barnett, once celebrated as a performer of French cha- racters, and now frequently before the public as a writer of successful dramas, is about to play for a limited time at the Adelphi. He will com- mence on Monday, the first night of the Adelplai season, with his favourite part of "M. Jacques."