16 SEPTEMBER 1922, Page 24

The Embroiderers. (James Pearsall and Co., Ltd. 2s. 6d.)-- We

have received a copy of The Embroiderers, a quarterly magazine published by Messrs. Pearsall and Co. The current number contains, beside some practical notes on stitches, an article on " Symbolism in Chinese Embroidery," which is likely to interest a wider circle. The peony or the magnolia embroidered on a robe stand for spring, the lotus for summer, the chrysanthemum for autumn, and the rose and the plum blossom for winter. The peony is also emblematic of high rank. The notion of longevity is conveyed by the Polyporus fungus pine, the bamboo, or the peach. The peach, the pome- granate, and a citron called " Buddha's Hand " form together a group known as the " Three Fruits " or the " Three Abund - ances "—abundance of years, abundance of offspring, and abundance of happiness. Conjugal happiness is symbolized by pairs of Mandarin ducks or by butterflies.

" The dragon is not, as in the hagiology of Christian Europe, an embodiment of the principle of evil, but rather a personifica- tion of the great forces of nature."

The dragon is also the special badge of the Emperor, the Empress in later times being typified by the phoenix. Fish are emblematic of fecundity ; the lotus of purity—this is also the special Buddhist flower ; " the endless knot," or chang, signifies longevity. Those interested in the subject should study the illustrations which accompany this summary.