A Plea For Zaghlul.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECPATOR."1 SIR,—It is no disparagement indeed of Lord Allenby personally to say that his regime as the practical exponent of the new conciliatory......
Ito * The Editor Or The " Spectator.")
Six,—In connexion with Sir Harry Reichel's letter, perhaps you can find room for the following quotation from Lecky's History of England (vi. 41) :- " It is well known that the......
" An Anti-pacifist Story."
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Snz,—Your correspondent, Mr. L. G. Moberly, is in error in supposing that " No one in his senses would deny that a man was justified in......
Save Austria!
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—Few Austrians, and very few of us British residents in Austria, will challenge your thesis that fusion with Germany might have saved......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."]
Sm,—You have published some letters relating to the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. May I point out this? The Church of Rome has had practically complete spiritual control in......