16 SEPTEMBER 1922, page 21

Man The Meddler*

THE outlandish claim that Mr. R. Sherlock has pegged out for himself shows small promise on the surface, but he has worked it with such diligence that his "panning out," as......

Andrew Marvell.*

THE publication of this book is fully justified by the inclusion of the portraits of Marvell and by the several critical essays by T. S. Eliot, Cyril Falls, H. J. Massingham, J.......


THE GLIMPSES OF THE MOON.t MRS. WHARTON'S new book is as interesting in its theme as in its details. It is probable, however, that her con- clusions with regard to the former......

Two Guides To Wales.*

Mx. FINDLAY MITIRHEAD, the editor of The Blue Guide to Wales, must, we think, be devoutly attached to that country, for he is scrupulous to give away none of its less obvious......

" The Architects' Journal"

WE wonder how many of our readers realize that The Architects' Journal is a paper by no means exclusively devoted to building technicalities ? In the issue of September 6th......