Mr. Bell Might Have Pointed His Moral About The...
of allowing ourselves to be ruffled by what does not matter if he had known of the absurd controversy over statements injurious to America said to have been made in an interview......
In Reading All The Intensely Interesting Addresses Upon A...
variety of subjects, what seems to us the most significant feature of the British Association this year is the way in which the many divisions of Science, which were once......
We Do Not To-day Publish Our Usual Communication From Mr.
Arthur W. Kiddy on " Finance—Public and Private," as he is away from London. His articles will begin again in the Spectator of September 23rd.......
The British Association Has Just Finished Its Annual...
Hull. On thewhole, it was an interesting but uneventful congress. It was opened on September 7th by the President, Sir Charles Sherrington, the Professor of Physiology at Oxford......
We Publish This Week Another Article By Mr. Edward Price
Bell, under the heading " How it Strikes an American." It is our intention to publish others which Mr. Bell is writing. We are delighted to be able to do this service to the......
Lord Sydenham And Mr. Churchill Have Recently Engages In A
lively correspondence about our policy in Palestine. Mr. Churchill charges Lord Sydenham with harmful inconsistency in his attitude on this question, He quotes Lord Sydenham as......
Compromise By Which The Ordinary Englishman Lives Was...
to him. He regarded patriotism as a kind of vulgarity except when it was the patriotism of a foreign country. In Egypt he did as much as ho possibly could to hinder the......
Mr. T. J. Cobden-sanderson, The Founder Of The Doves Bindery
and Doves Press, died on September 7th at the age of eighty-one He was one of the last of the famous band of craftsmen who in the 'eighties, with William Morris at their head,......
We Must Say We Feel Lord Sydenham Is Wholly Justified
in maintaining actively his later opinion and refusing to give up his fight on Mr. Churchill's grounds. Far from staining his record in this question, as Mr. Churchill suggests,......
Mr. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, Who Died Last Sunday, Was A.
remarkable personality—poet and firebrand, student and adventurer. Although English in every fibre by birth and breeding he was strangely un-English in his outlook upon life.......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 3} Per Cent.
July 13, 1922 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 9911; Thursday week, 9911; a year ago, 883.......