The British Association has just finished its annual session at
Hull. On thewhole, it was an interesting but uneventful congress. It was opened on September 7th by the President, Sir Charles Sherrington, the Professor of Physiology at Oxford and President of the Royal Society. Sir Charles discussed the relation of mind and body in a very illuminating discourse, which is discussed elsewhere in this issue. This subject was bound to bring up the old issue between Science and Religion, and the Archbishop of York and Dean Inge subsequently pronounced upon this in two very able sermons. Dr. Lang said it was not only old- fashioned but ignorant for preachers to-day to assume a conflict between Science and Religion. Both are servants of truth, he said, trying each in its own sphere to understand and interpret the meaning of experience as it confronted them both in external nature and in the mind of man. He called upon those con- cerned with Religion to try to understand the methods, aims, and problems of Science, and upon men of Science to associate themselves more closely with Religion. Dean Inge declared that Science is the principal vehicle of revelation in the twentieth century and that it has modified our whole way of looking at things. Both Science and Religion, ho said, are based upon the evolution of experience. The difference lies only in the kind of experience.