The Sinews of Peace International financiers are, no doubt, spinning
their webS in the approved style in the wingS of the Hague theatre. No one outside a lunatic asylum will suggest that to-day they are working for war. We call attention to this important change in the public conception of international finance. To what extent money may henceforth serve as the cement of international peace is Manifest in the Finnish Government's proposals for mutual financial assistance, of which a correspondent wrote at some length in our columns a few months ago. At the March meeting of the League Council the British Foreign Secretary gave unqualified approval of the scheme worked out by the Financial Committee of the League.
• The Times of August 10th published a lucid article from the pen of Sir Henry Strakosch, which will enable the British public to understand what is involved, when the matter comes up for discussion at the next Assembly. Thus the sinews of war become sinews of peace.