17 AUGUST 1929, page 21
Henry Viii. And His Wives
Henry the Eighth. By Francis Hackett. (Cape. 12s. 6d.) ANY man who marries six wives in succession must be interest- ing. He stirs our curiosity. We ask ourselves, " What......
An Old Sport
Hawking. By Richard Biome. Edited by Mr. E. D. Cuming. (Cresset Press. 12s. 6d.) THE Cresset Press are to be congratulated on the fine printing and make-up of Richard Blome's......
Nothing's Either Good Or Bad . . .
The Art of Thinking. By Ernest Dimnet. (Cape. 6s.) " The art of thinking is the art of being oneself, and this art can only be learned if one is by oneself. Take strong tea one......