17 AUGUST 1929, page 22
The Irishman's Stage
The Irish Drama, 1896-1928. By Andrew E. Malone. (Constable. 158.) BERNARD SHAW once said that he 'did not live in Ireland because the Irish people • would see through hint in......
An Old Sport
Hawking. By Richard Biome. Edited by Mr. E. D. Cuming. (Cresset Press. 12s. 6d.) THE Cresset Press are to be congratulated on the fine printing and make-up of Richard Blome's......
The Imperial Hypocrite
Tiberius Caesar. By G. P. Baker. (Nash and Grayson. 18s.) THE personality of Tiberius has always been a puzzle to' the world. It has had many apologists, who, without wholly......