Happy Ending. By Stephen Mckenna. (cassell. 7s. 6d.)—mr....
has changed during the last few years : he writes more gravely now, and about quieter people. Those who have wearied of " bright young things will welcome his recent book with......
Many Worlds 78. 6(1.) Berlin. By Heinrich Mann. (Gollancz. 7s. 6(1.) Is there a more various form of literature than the novel ? Here is another social comedy from Mr. Booth......
Procession. By Fannie Hurst. (cape. 7s. (id.)—miss Fannie...
stories have been described as condensed novels, and the five which comprise Procession do suffer froth a deformity or lack of development which might well be overcome in the......
The Imperial Hypocrite
Tiberius Caesar. By G. P. Baker. (Nash and Grayson. 18s.) THE personality of Tiberius has always been a puzzle to' the world. It has had many apologists, who, without wholly......
Life—and A Fortnight. By Margaret Peterson. (benn. 7s....
she-women in a lonely outpost of Empire ! The type of story is conventional enough, but Miss Peterson is an efficient chef and serves up a familiar dish with a relish of her......