The foreign trade returns for the month of July were more encouraging than for some little time past both as regards the general volume of business and also as regards the trade balance. As compared with a year ago, there was a decrease of nearly £2,000,000 in the value of imports, but exports
increased by £5,151,000, and the expansion was of a very general character, an improvement being noticeable in our exports not only of coal, but of iron and steel manufactures and of textile goods. Moreover, the visible adverse balance for the month was £19.000,000, compared with about £26,000,000 for the same month of last year. For the first seven months of the year, however, the figures are somewhat less striking, imports being down £2,500,000, while exports only rose about £1,738,000. Even so, however, the visible adverse balance for the seven months was about £4.000,000 less than for the same period of last year. A. W. K.