17 JANUARY 1920, Page 1

There were rioting and bloodshed in Berlin on Tuesday. The

Independent Socialists and Communists organized a demonstra- tion in front of the Reichstag to protest against the Industrial Councils Bill, which they regard as too mild. Some of the demonstrators tried to force their way into the building, and assaulted the Civic Guards on duty. The Guards then opened fire with machine-guns and scattered the mob. Twenty-two persons were killed, including two Guards. President Ebert proclaimed a state of siege, in anticipation of further troubles. Although he is a Socialist, he has no intention of allowing the small revolutionary minority to employ " direct action " and tyrannize over the majority. It is strongly suspected that the Communists receive secret encouragement from the partisans of the old system, who would be only too delighted to pose as the party of law and order if the Socialist, Democratic, and Roman Catholic Coalition fell to pieces.