17 JANUARY 1920, page 1

We Have Written Elsewhere At Length About The Future Of

Constantinople, but we should like to say something here about the population of that great city. For the opinion is widely held, even among those who would be glad to see the......

There Were Rioting And Bloodshed In Berlin On Tuesday. The

Independent Socialists and Communists organized a demonstra- tion in front of the Reichstag to protest against the Industrial Councils Bill, which they regard as too mild. Some......

The Elections For The French Senate Were Held Last Sundeyt

and resulted, like the Chamber elections, in the return of a large majority of Moderate candidates. The French people, in fact, recorded a fresh vote of confidence in M.......

News Of The Week.

T HE German Peace Treaty was ratified in . Paris last Saturday, after the German delegates had signed the Protocol requiring Germany to make reparation for the scuttling of the......

President Wilson In A Letter Read At A Democratic Party

festival last week advised the party not to compromise with the Republicans over the Peace Treaty, but to make the Covenant the leading issue of the coming Presidential......

" The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......

The Bolshevik Armies Seem To Have Sustained No Check Fn

their advance towards the Black Sea. General Denikin's forces, abandoning much of the costly war material which we sent them, appear to be concentrating on Odessa in the west......

The British, French, And Italian Premiers Have Made A Fresh

attempt at Paris this week to arrange a compromise over the Adriatic frontier between Italy and the Southern Slays. It is said that, while agreeing among themselves, they failed......

The New York Legislative Assembly Recently Declined To...

Socialist members returned at the last State elections. On Monday it refused, by a majority of two to one, to reconsider its decision. The action of the Assembly cannot possibly......

Notice. —with This Week's Number Of The " Spectator " Is

issued, gratis, an Eight-Page Supplement, containing the Half- Yearly Index and Title-Page—i.e., from July 5th to D..cenzkr 27th, 1919, inclusive.......