17 JANUARY 1920, page 21

Thomas Traherne.*

OF the life of Thomas Traheme practically all that is known is that he was the son of a Hereford shoemaker, that ho was educated at Brasonose College, that he became private......

Coggin. By Ernest Oldmeadow. (grant Richards. 7s. It Is...

an invidious task to he asked to comment on the first volume of a three - volume novel, for this the opening book of the biography of Harry Coggin avowedly is. It can only be......

The Church Of To-day.* The Peculiarly English Custom...

a Bishop to address a Charge to his diocese on the occasion of his triennial Visitation provides an able man with a unique opportunity of saying what ought to be said on......


SIMON.* MR. STORER Caousror affords the rare and agreeable spectacle of a writer beginning with high-spirited extravaganzas—border- ing on the farcical—who has developed into an......