17 JANUARY 1920, page 2

We Are Reminded Of The Story Of A Well-known Irish

Nationalist who informed an English visitor, during the days of the Land League, that there was no such thing as crime in Ireland. The visitor had no sooner left the house of......

On Thursday Morning It Was Announced That The Railwaymen Had

accepted the latest Government proposals. To all outward appearances, therefore, the railway crisis is at an end, and everybody will be heartily thankful. The railway delegates......

It Seems That Up The Last Moment In The Discussion

of the delegates the issue was in doubt, and the final decision to accept the Government offer was rather a surprise. Outside observers do not find it easy to understand why the......

That Is Extraordinarily Well Expressed. Under Any Con-...

of Home Rule the Southern Unionists would be in a most anxious position. They deserve all the sympathy we can possibly give them. Their welfare and safety should be a charge......

An Attempt On The Life Of Serjeant Sullivan, The...

Irish lawyer, was made at Tralee on Friday week. Serjeant Sullivan, who is an ardent Nationalist, has provoked the anger of all the criminals and the " bad men " of the secret......

The Leader Then Broke Away From Mr. Slattery And, Crying

eta "You are the man I want I" fired a pistol at Serjeant Sullivan. Three bullets narrowly missed Serjeant Sullivan. Serjeant Sullivan dropped on his knees to help Mrs.......

The Times Of Tuesday Published A Letter From Lord Meath

which is one of the best statements we have ever seen of the reasons why the creation of a Parliament in Ulster, in addition to the proposed Parliament in Dublin, would......

Refining On This Theme, Lord Meath Argues That A Single

Irish Legislature including Ulster would be overwhelmingly hostile to England, and that the presence of the Ulster repre- sentatives could not really allay this hostility.......

Lord Meath Concludes :- " A Strong Organized Government In

the North of Ireland, friendly towards England and the loyalists of the South, would prove to the world that there existed in Ireland two opinions, and by influencing the......

On Friday Week The N.u.r. Conference Decided To Reject The

Government offer—the•offer which was the result of months of negotiations, and which had been commended to the railway- men by Mr. J. H. Thomas as an honourable settlement that......

Mr. Henderson Last Week Replied To Mr. Churchill's...

the Labour Party was unfitted to take office, and would fail through incompetence if it essayed the task. Mr. Henderson attacked the Coalition as lacking in principle and as......

The New York Legislative Assembly Recently Declined To...

Socialist members returned at the last State elections. On Monday it refused, by a majority of two to one, to reconsider its decision. The action of the Assembly cannot possibly......